Jude, Dan, Ian, Sam and John will be taking on the NOMAN Campaign Mediterranean row in memory of Antony Lingard, who sadly passed away earlier this year and whose dream it was to complete this feat, whilst raising money for an amazing cause - The HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation.
NOMAN raises awareness about the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) related cancer epidemic in men and women, and campaigns for universal HPV vaccination, while challenging participants to extreme endurance races across the world.HPV is the causal agent of 5% of cancer, yet the vast majority of people remain unaware of the link between the two outside of cervical cancer. We can prevent HPV cancers simply by vaccinating both boys and girls against HPV.The HPV-vaccine is a cancer preventing vaccine, and presents the greatest opportunity we've had to prevent cancer in decades.Over 40 countries now protect both boys and girls against HPV. We won't stop until every country is doing so.