A couple of years ago my sister-in-law Katie got diagnosed with Fabry’s disease.
What is fabry’s disease? Well in English, fabrys means you do not have enough enzymes (alpha-galactosidase A to be exact (alpha-GAL)) which break up the fat around your organs. If you do not have treatment organs such as kidney, heart and brain eventually start to deteriorate, and severe or life-threatening complications can arise.
Katie is moving up to high school this year and has been made aware that her treatment plan will need to start at roughly the same time. Currently the only treatment is enzyme replacement via transfusion and tablets.
This involves Katie going to hospital once a week maybe fortnightly.
Once there the transfusion will take any amount of time between 4-6hours. Currently there is no cure but hopefully one day there will be 💙
I am telling you this because I have chosen to raise money for MPS Society (which fund and spread awareness about Fabrys) by Running my first ever Marathon on the 3rd of October (London)!
It’s going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life but it will be nothing compared to what Katie is going to go through for the foreseeable future.
Thank you for spending the time reading this and visiting my just giving page ❤️