Thank you for taking the time to visit my Just Giving page.
Suicide has touched too many lives and in June it took our dear golden hearted Spencer. At only 22 years of age, he could take no more pain and left behind a broken hearted mother, his children, family and friends.
He will always be missed and forever loved...
Now I know that me ( hopefully) overcoming a phobia by merrily dangling down a concrete tower is nothing compared with the fear, darkness and loneliness that Spencer and too many others have faced at their worst time.
I just hope to raise awareness and hopefully some money for Solent Mind, in a way that honours Spencer’s life and memory and help others to find a different way.
I abseil on the 5th of May at 3pm :-0
have paid for the abseil myself so every penny raised will go to mind.
Thank you for any help at all towards this cause.
Annie xx