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Well I did it!!! 5 hours 37 seconds - not as fast as I hoped but it was ridiculously hot. Got very sore feet!! Thanks everyone for your support.
I'm going to do the Edinburgh Marathon on Sunday 31 May, which will place me weel outisde my comfort zone!!
I've waited til now to set this up til I was more confident that I would be able to complete the distance. After 22 miles in freezing wind and hail on Saturday I feel ready for the challenge and knowing that there would be a good sum of money for Macmillan at the end of oi will spur me on!!
The marathon comes at a poignant time for me as one of the people most instrumental in getting me running is very ill and needing the services of Macmillan right now. I really hope I don't let him down and he will be very much in my thoughts on the day
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So please sponsor me now!