Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.
On 5th October I will be running the Bupa Great North Run in aid of Alzheimer's Society. I have chosen the Alzheimer's Society as my nominated charity as I am very familiar with it due to my nana suffering from Alzheimers.
I would very much appreciate your support through your sponsorship of me in my first half marathon. Alzheimer's Society and myself would be grateful for anything you'd wish to contribute and I'm sure your support will help get me across the finish line.
Thank you
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It’s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Alzheimer's Society gets your money faster and, if you’re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
So please sponsor me now!