I was due to lead a team of intrepid trekkers to Nicaragua in March 2020, to raise vital funds for Springboard and to undertake a community project in a remote part of Nicaragua where we were building a school, installing water supplies and toilets. The trek had to be abandoned at the last minute due to the COVID pandemic.
Springboard is an organisation I led for 23 years and I am passionate about their mission to help people overcome barriers to employment, build confidence and improve on or gain new skills through training, mentoring, CV workshops and interview support. Springboard is helping people retain jobs and start careers in hospitality and tourism future-proofing the talent pipeline as these industries heal and rebuild after lockdown.
I wanted to take up the virtual challenge and have joined ex-trekkers in a bid to complete the 5,300 miles from the UK to NIcaragua - I have already cycled/walked over 380 miles since 1 May and have pedalled through wind and rain aim is to complete at least the same again before the end of March and raise as much money as I can for Springboard - please help - every penny counts