We're taking on 100 miles in May for WWF! We've each committed to running, walking, jogging, swimming or cycling 100 miles in May - helping to support the Cape Wrath Trekkers, including our very own Emma Hoskyn.
The recent COP26 climate summit highlighted that not enough is being done to deliver the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. We know we need to act now.
Climate change and the loss of nature are the biggest environmental crises of our time – and we are the last generation that can stop their most devastating impacts. The choices we make each day as individuals and businesses make a profound difference to the health and future of our precious planet.
We can no longer ignore the issues of climate change and nature loss. To preserve our planet now is the time to act. Unite with us and WWF to raise vital funds and awareness to ensure we stop nature's destruction and help it recover and thrive. Together, we can still build a future where people live in harmony with the planet.
Thank you for your donations and we look forward to sharing our updates here on our progress!