Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. Please dig deep and sponsor me online.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Hertfordshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Ltd will receive your money faster and, if you are a taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.
1.Multiple Sclerosis or MS is an incurable, unpredictable and debilitating disease of the Nervous System; the causes of which are not fully understood.
2.One of the hardest things about MS is its unpredictability. No two people experience the same symptoms to the same degree. However the most common symptoms are:
§ Bowel and Bladder problems- e.g. incontinence and increased frequency.
§ Eye problems-particularly vision in one eye.
§ Fatigue-often an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy and exhaustion.
§ Impaired mobility-from a slight limp to full time in a wheel chair.
§ Pain- e.g. sharp stabbing pains, pins and needles, burning sensations and extreme sensitivity of the skin.
§ Cognitive problems ranging from mood swings to depression.
3. It affects about 1 in 700 of the population, so it is likely that we all know someone who has MS. When it occurs, the effects on sufferers and their families can be devastating.
4. The Herts MS Therapy Centre is a registered charity based in Letchworth.
5. The Centre offers a range of therapies to help its members remain mobile while delaying the onset of disability for as long as possible, helping them to remain in work, stay independent and play a role in the community.
6. It costs the Centre £200,000 a year to run the Centre and they get no regular funding from the Health Service, Government or any other statutory body. Their funds are provided by their own members, their fund raising efforts (which is not easy when the majority of the Centre members are disabled), and support from events such as the London Marathon and MS Challenge
So please sponsor me now!
As an extra incentive I shall be awarding a bottle of champagne to whoever most accurately guesses my London Marathon finishing time. Please remember to enter your best guess (to the nearest minute) in the 'comments' box when you sponsor me online. Please don't choose a time that someone else has already chosen.
Many thanks for your support.