In April 2018 we found out that my husband John had a brain tumour. At first we thought it was fairly small, manageable and not life threatening, but we later discovered it wasn't as simple as that and surgery had many risks potentially leaving him with life altering symptoms. His tumour was an angiomatous meningioma and fairly rare as tumours go. Whilst not cancerous, there's no such thing as a benign tumour as it was causing so much damage putting pressure on his brain.
Hearing this news turned our lives upside down. Nothing can prepare you for a life event such as a brain tumour diagnosis, and for our family 2018 was a difficult year which we're happy to leave behind!
On 7th January 2019 John had the first of his operations, the first to embolise his tumour and make his major surgery less risky. First hurdle accomplished, he then had the 'big op' on 10th January which involved 14 hours of surgery and a huge team of surgeons, doctors specialists and nurses. The operation went as well as could be expected, and most of the tumour was removed. He then spent the next 4 weeks recovering in hospital. He was cared for on Ward 407 of the QE hospital by a fantastic team, and his continuing treatment with radiotherapy is at the QE too.
For anyone who knows us, the last few months have been hell and we've been blessed with fantastic family and friends who've supported us every step of the way. Running the half marathon is my way of giving back to the QE and I’m hoping to smash my time from 2017!
Please give as much as you can. The care John received thanks to the NHS was second to none for treatment, but because of a lack of resources there are always little things that can't be funded and by donating to the QE it will provide money for better patient care.
We've a long journey ahead as John is currently undergoing radiotherapy on the remaining bits of tumour, but the biggest hurdle is behind us and we're hoping for a better year in 2019.