I am sure that everyone will agree that this year has been
tough and so the Team at Jamesons have decided that we need to do something to make us smile.
So, we have set ourselves a Children in Need – Act your Age Challenge.
The Children in Need theme this year is to do an activity a number of times equivalent to that of your age. We have combined and then averaged our ages - My idea as being one of the older ones it reduces my number!
Our combined age is 613 and the average comes out to 38 and
a bit so with some rounding 40.
Here is what the team plan to do :
Gareth – 40 Keepy Uppys
Matt – walking Ted the dog 40kms
Jamie – Run 40kms
Richard – spin (on a bike we are assuming) 40kms
Marc – 40 hoola hoops
Ryan – a combination of swim/ walk and run 40kms
Carly – Walk 40kms
Jade – Crotchet a Pudsey Bear in 40 minutes
Jeannette – Play the piano for 40 minutes
Zak – 40 minutes of Skipping
Maddie – Run 40kms
Charlie – Run 40kms
Emily - Run 40 kms
Lesley – 40 hoola hoops
Oscar – Biking 40 kms
Anita – Bake 40 cup cakes (they are going to need feeding after all this exercise!)
Our target is to raise £613 and we would really appreciate
it if you could please visit our Just Giving page
and make a small donation.
There will be photographic evidence and we will keep you
Thank you for your support – and take care
From Anita and the team at Jamesons 😊