September 27th 2020 symbolises a 7 year anniversary from when The Welsh Air Ambulance charity more than likely saved my life following a pretty serious road traffic collision. As my friend lay next to me injured and screaming in despair my body started to shut down as I went in to shock at the road side. The Welsh air ambulance charity were quick to the scene providing me with the critical medical care I needed and transported me rapidly to Morrison Hospital where the amazing trauma team was on standby.
The accident left me with life long injuries which have scared me both mentally and physically.These included: a broken right ankle, broken left hand, 2 fractured ribs, torn ligaments in my left foot & right knee, deep lacerations/ scaring on both elbows and right leg, abdominal bleeding, slight PTSD and a determination like no other. Surgery was needed, I was hospitalised for 12 days and recovery included 2 months in a wheelchair due to the extent of all my injuries combined. I was very lucky.
All the broken bones have healed and I no longer suffer with unmanageable pain. Mentally and physically 7 years on I consider myself stronger than ever following years of support from loved ones, pain management specialists, counselling services, medication, physiotherapy, podiatry and consultant based interventions.
So what better time to give back than now? Iv always wanted to fundraiser for the charity. A special thanks to someone I know that has been fundraising for the charity recently you have inspired me to finally do my part. From September 1st - September 30th I will aim to run/ walk an average of 5 miles a day, clocking up a minimum total of 150 miles throughout the month. Please help support me by donating as little or as much as you possibly can towards this fantastic cause.
Thanks for reading everyone, any questions please feel free to get in touch. If anyone wants to join me on this fundraising journey your all more than welcome :)
Angharad x
**Wales Air Ambulance Charity is funded by the people of Wales and requires £6.5 million a year to keep its four helicopters in the sky, serving Wales and saving lives. The charity can be anywhere in Wales within 20 minutes, its doctors and medics fly the A&E deptartment to the patient.It also runs the Children's Wales Air Ambulance service, transferring vulnerable babies and children to the specialist hospitals across the UK.Your donations will help keep this vital service in Wales**