Rainbows Children's Hospice is an amazing charity that helps make memories for children and young people who sadly won't live long enough. As a proud Trustee for Rainbows, I had hoped to run London marathon in April 20 (damn Covid) and so it will be second time lucky this October, fingers crossed.
Highlights so far - training with friends has been awesome and being brave enough to join a running club, Beeston AC, for the first time.
Less fun bits - when everything hurts, feels too slow and there are too many miles left on the weekly planner. Oh and a dark, wet run a few weeks ago where I went a bit off track and face planted the ground! At least it was dark :-)
I would love it if you would kindly sponsor me a few pounds for Rainbows?? And if I make my target its been suggested that I will run in a rainbow coloured tutu!!
Please visit to see what we do and hear from some of the families that we support. Rainbows is a place where children can laugh, play and make every precious moment count, while families already bereaved are supported through the toughest times. Because of you and other supporters like you, a family will be able to make special memories they will cherish forever and bring a smile to their child's face as they laugh and play.