In memory of Marie King: In April last year, our friend Marie was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Her symptoms were tiredness and back ache, hardly surprising for a mum of three young children. We would see Marie every day, twice a day, on the school run and she was never without her huge smile. One day, Marie was no longer on the school run - unbeknown to us, she was privately fighting an advanced diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Six months later, Marie passed away aged 39; 6 days short of her 40th birthday. She leaves behind her husband Rob - who together with her family has established the Marie King Foundation to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer - and her gorgeous children Ava, 8, Harry, 7, and Margot, 2.
The stats about pancreatic cancer: More than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers, yet for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case.
Why I am supporting Pancreatic Cancer UK: Pancreatic Cancer UK is dedicated to taking on this injustice using every possible means. They're supporting people with pancreatic cancer now, campaigning, and funding vital research to transform the future. Help them to make the breakthroughs that people with pancreatic cancer so desperately need.