As many of you know, we lost our good friend Martin Pears at the tail end of last year shortly after he was diagnosed with leukaemia. Since then, money has been raised for The Young Oncology Unit (Y.O.U.) at The Christie where Martin was well looked after. Money has been collected from then funeral and Chris Pears has made a great effort in organising a charity football match next month. If the target of £15,000 is achieved, then Tin will get his own Christie leaf on The Christie Tree of Hope and everyone involved is keen for this to happen.
So - this is the plan. I'm currently planning to do a run with my dad over three estuaries in the Cumbria/ Lancashire area at the end of next month. As the route is only runnable at the right times when the tide is low, we have to complete the whole thing in four and a half hours. Starting at Hest Bank, we're going to run over Kent estuary, wade through the Kent channel at low tide then arrive at Kents Bank. At Kents Bank, we'll get picked up in a car and take a 20 min drive to Flookburgh. Then from Flookburgh run over the Leven estuary crossing the Leven channel and arrive at Ulveston. Then we'll get picked up for in a car again and drive to Kirby. Finally, we'll run the Duddon estuary, crossing the Duddon channel and then arrive at our final destination Millom. Although people have ran across these estuaries individually, there is no written record of anyone doing all three in one go so this should be quite exciting ( exciting as a run can possibly be!).
My target is to raise £500 and to make a substantial dint in the overall £15,000 total. So please, please, please donate if you can as I'm really keen to make as much money as I possibly can. Anything donated will be greatly appreciated - even if you can just afford a couple of pounds.
Wish me luck! Hopefully the run will resemble Usain Bolt's Olympic glory more than the Morcambe Bay cocklers story!