St Peter's church urgently needs to raise £210K to make the walls safe. You can help us raise the money by donating to the bellringers' 50 method challenge.
The 50 method challenge
A team of 6 bellringers will attempt to ring 50 different bellringing methods (the ringer's equivalent of a musician's tunes) consecutively, without stopping - it will take about one hour of continuous ringing. To add to the challenge, this will be the first time the ringers will have rung several of the methods (equivalent to the musician sight-reading several of the tunes).
The ringing will take place on Saturday 14th March, starting at about 10:15 a.m.
Technical explanation for ringers: we will be ringing a plain course of each of 50 different Doubles methods consecutively on the back six bells at Oadby.