On the 24th July I will be running, jogging and probably crawling from Minehead to Tiverton over Exmoor, including the highest point of Dunkery Beacon. This is 53km/33 miles including 4500 ft of climbing.
You may ask why, well mainly to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. This disease has affected my family personally and for all those that have been affected by this, you will know how hard this is on you and your loved ones. Therefore anything I can do to support this I will.
I also like a challenge and this will be the furthest and highest I have ever ran. I aim to complete it in about 6 hours, Jill does think I am mad.
Please please please donate what you can.
Alzheimer’s Society is transforming the landscape of dementia forever.Until the day we find a cure, we will create a society where those affected by dementia are supported and accepted, able to live in their community without fear or prejudice.