It is with great pride and trepidation that I have secured myself a place in the London marathon for April 2023. Having received offers from a couple of cancer charities, I've opted for one that resonates closely to me, and is in major need of funding. My father died of cancer when I was just 14 years old, so Bone Cancer Reserch UK was an easy choice to run for.
I only recently took up running past 5k (lockdown) so this is a distance I've never ever contemplated. I've done a few events in the past but never anything worthy of me bothering you for sponsorship. This one most certainly is.
I've never asked for sponsorship before, and probably wont again, so please do dig deep and help me raise crucial funds for this charity. Please click on the below link to make a difference.
Any questions please dont hesitate to ask. If you donate a big enough sum, you can even choose what I run in (within reason/dm for more info)
Below is a brief synopsis of the charity and their vital work.
I know I have some very generous friends so thank you all in advance for your donations.
Yours gratefully
The Bone Cancer Research Trust offers hope and support to primary bone cancer patients. Since 2004, they have been leading the way with pioneering research to help save lives.
The Bone Cancer Research Trust is the only charity dedicated to this disease, it is a small but national charity based in Leeds, UK. They fund ground-breaking research, raise vital awareness and give unwavering support to patients and families alike....And miraculously, they somehow manage to do this all without any government funding. They rely 100% on people like us supporting their work through donations.
BCRT is critically underfunded, with the main uk charities allocating just 0.02% of the 630m research investment for 2020-21 to this devastating disease. However, BCRT invested almost 9 times more, into primary bone cancer research during 2021, than all of these major charities combined!!!!
The Bone Cancer Research Trust is dedicated to saving lives & improving outcomes for people affected by primary bone cancer. Despite being small, they fund more research projects exploring primary bone cancer than any other organisation. Other large UK cancer research charities do not prioritise bone cancer patients, in 2019 just 0.028% of their research spend went to bone cancer – not even close to 1%!Last year alone, Bone Cancer Research Trust committed an incredible £807,824 to pioneering bone cancer research - to save lives!