Jacob, Amy and Ian are taking part in the The Big PADS push on August 21st 2022 to help raise money for this fantastic charity who have done an amazing job of supporting and informing us since Jacob was born with Down Syndrome back in 2020. Thanks to their amazing resources and advice Jacob is flourishing and we want to help them to support other families too.
£10 provides a "positivity pack" sent to expectant and new parents that shares real stories, current information about Down syndrome, and a small handmade gift.
£50 provides a new parent to access a 6 week Makaton baby signing course to ease communication frustrations.
£250 provides resources and training to a maternity unit for a year,
ensuring expectant and new parents are well supported by professionals who have a contemporary understanding of Down syndrome.
We really are so grateful to you for your support and for helping PADS to provide what they do for expectant and new parents with a child with Down Syndrome.