I agreed, in a moment of madness, to do this race at Aintree to help raise funds for The Countryside Alliance Foundation.
The Countryside Alliance Foundation is a charity which aims to help adults and children alike make the most of the incredible remedial and educational benefits of being involved in the natural environment. By introducing people to the delights of rural Britain, The Countryside Alliance Foundation hopes to inspire them to become passionate about the countryside and helping to protect the natural environment. This includes Fishing for Schools and Castaway (which is aimed to help those recovering from Cancer treatment).
After agreeing, it dawned on me that I needed kicking into shape. With the help of the awesome team at Ben Pauling Racing I can now ride a racehorse (in an acceptable fashion!) and am riding out as much as I can! I'm also being trained by the brilliant Camilla Cresswell who takes no prisoners, in preparation for my fitness test!
I would hugely appreciate any support you can give me and I promise to go like the wind on the 24th October!