I wasn't originally planning on doing a fundraiser but here goes. I've grown tired of my long hair which recently just hasn't made the cut :P. So I am chopping off a foot of it and donating it to Little Princess Trust, a charity that makes free wigs for cancer patients. Yet any money that is kindly donated in support of this will go to JDRF, a charity that supports research into Diabetes. Although this seems random, there is a certainly a link. Last year, my amazing Aunty Diane left us due to illness steming from Diabetes, an illness that also caused her hair to fall out and I know she had to pay for many expensive wigs in her time, So this is for her. All I can hope is that my hair goes to someone like my Aunty, and can put a smile on their face in light of really tough times.
I wasn't originally expecting donations, but any support (even student sized donations of £1) are very very welcome, in both loving memory of Aunty Dianee, with the hope to one day find a cure for type 1 diabetes, as well as to support suffering cancer patients who have lost their beautiful locks as result of treatment.
I've rambled on a bit now, so must cut this short! Thankyou and pictures to come!