After reading a lot about Oscar Knox I decided i wanted to do something to try and help in anyway i possibly could. Most of you will no doubt know that unfortunately Oscar is no longer at a stage where he would be able to undergo treatment and the family and doctors have now turned to trying to " ease his pain" . It was then suggested by Stephen Knox (oscar's dad) that if i were to fund raise for Oscar the family would like the funds to go to the NCCA UK as a thank you for all their help and support throughout this horrific time. I do stress though in now way shape or form did the Knox family ask for any help.
I had first contacted everywhere i could possibly think of to try and reach out to the family including speaking to Celtic themselves and managed eventually to speak to Stephen over facebook. I would like to make it clear that Stephen had at that point made me more than well aware at this time they are no longer fundraising for Oscar however he suggested that if i were that determined to help the family would then appreciate the funds to go to this charity on behalf of Oscar and the Knox family as a huge thank you for their ongoing support throughout this time.
In all honestly i did not know much about the charity and have been researching a lot about them over this past month many of you will be aware of a young boy named Alfie who sadly passed away due to this horrible disease earlier this week the NCCA UK also worked with this young man as well as working with many others (which only now am i beginning to learn the stories of Anya , Mckenzie,Joshua , Sam & Logan ) so apologies to any one i have missed and too their families as as i say im only beginning to learn about this fantastic charity.
For the fact that i didn't know about the NCCA UK at all until Stephen had mentioned them i am now asking everyone to help me raise awareness not only by just donating.
Neuroblastoma under a microscope shows the color purple so i'm asking on
you all throw on something purple for the day and send us you'r pictures.
make it an event and help us too if you like if you are;
- School
- College
- Business
- Work place
- Nursery
- Hospital/Hospice
- Shop
we wanna see your pictures and there will even be a lucky winner who will receive a prize best suited to the winner.
even if you are just going about your daily life and just wearing the color we don't care we just wanna see those pictures whether its children, elderly, teens , adults,pets,groups ,"selfies" whatever we wanna see those snaps of you raising awareness.
Wrist bands will also be on sale soon
sizes large or small available & t-shirts can be ordered or request (GET THESE IN YOUR SNAPS TO BE IN WITH A BIGGER CHANCE OF WINNING!!!!)
Please guys donate as little or as much as you can this is for a fantastic cause and what these little boys are going through i could not begin to imagine so please dip in your pockets or even come along to the event if you like.
Wednesday 7th of May
Ayrshire College
Kilmarnock Campus
Also a big Thank you to Nicole Morgan who has kindly volunteered to be the one to pick up the clippers. Nicole sadly lost her cousin Bryony Morgan on the 6th of March this year to Cancer also.
Pleas guys to many children are having to face this now and parents need the help and support to remain strong.