Thank you for taking the time to listen to what I'm doing to raise money for Cancer Research.
On 10th May 2014, Tom and I will be tackling the 20 miles and 200 obstacles of the Rat Race Dirty Weekend. These are some of the world's biggest, longest and toughest obstacles and will require stamina, strength and sheer willpower. We will be training for 6 days a week for 5 months to make ourselves fit enough, strong enough and agile enough to finish this huge challenge.
No matter how hard our training may be though, it will never be as tough as watching a loved one suffer at the hands of cancer. This is why we're doing it. We may only make a small contribution to Cancer Research, but if we all did that, just think of how many lives would be saved?
Please help us to make the biggest contribution we possibly can! We promise that we will train hard and give everything it takes to finish this challege-but we need you to donate!
Give as little or as much as you can, every penny helps, but obviously the more you sponsor us, the better!
Thank you.