Amanda Dudding

Amanda’s page

Fundraising for Younique Foundation
raised of £50 target
Younique Foundation
RCN 472535198


Hey we go 1st of April... but what are we doing! we are all different to celabrate that we are all doing different event ... take a look! Jenny.... will be spending this month burning the calaries and thw challenge is to burn 10,000 calaories in a month! you go gurl! doing the very challenging thing of giving up chocolate. and its easter, she is braver then Me! Rosie (me).... i am doing a fitness challenge.. Run 50 miles... 2000 burpees...1000... sit ups and 30 days of yoga! i can do this! Amanda... is running an incrediable 50 Miles over the months. so smash it sister. Sharon... last but not least is going to get 600 miles in on that bike. This a challenge i cant wait to see. Michelle.... who will be cover an amazing 100 miles walking... you are outstanding there might be more to come! sooo there we have carlories dropped and miles covered. whos going to support us to raise money for the younique foundation. thank you so much everyone inadvance!

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