Ronnie is a very special 18-month-old Labrador-cross... He is trying his hardest to be a therapy puppy (with varied success!) for Livvy, who has a rare genetic condition and severe epilepsy. As well as this, Ronnie has developed epilepsy himself and takes two medications every day. His owner Amanda, the CEO at the Batten Disease Family Association, is going to take him on a dog walk with a difference on Batten Disease Awareness day. For his “13” challenge Ronnie needs to wear his bandana and say a friendly hello to 13 dogs of different breeds prompting a conversation about Batten disease and raising awareness.
The BDFA provides support, advocacy and information to children and young people with Batten disease and supports their whole family. On 9th June 2021 it is international Batten Disease Awareness Day and the BDFA have a week of awareness events planned! Ronnie is proud to support this fundraiser to raise awareness of the 13 types of Batten disease...