I am reaching out to everyone in my network and beyond with an urgent plea. I need your help.
I serve on the Board of Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas (VOACC) – one of the nation’s most trusted human services delivery organizations. Annually, we serve nearly 10,000 of the most vulnerable men, women and children in our community, through comprehensive services and programs: Veterans and Supportive Housing Services; Specialized Services and Housing for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; Seniors Housing and Homeless Shelters; Behavioral Healthcare for those struggling to recover from Addiction;
Community Corrections Reentry Programs, and so much more.
I am asking your help in meeting this urgent need. I believe in and fully support VOACC’s mission. Every day I witness the tangible difference we make in people's lives, through programs designed and delivered by highly qualified and committed staff, driven to meet our clients’ needs. Needs ranging from chronic conditions that can only be met through continuous care, to those with the capacity and desire to regain and take charge of their own futures. The key ingredients? Hope, tools for success, confidence and empowerment.
Please join with me in making a donation in support of these very important members of our community. They too deserve an opportunity to live their best lives. Together, we can make that happen!
Whatever you're able to contribute - large or small - will make a difference and will be greatly appreciated. Your heart, your faith and your encouragement matter just as much as what you give.
Thank you for your consideration. Spread the word of caring, hope and action!
P. S. Don't forget to also register for our VOACC virtual silent auction on June 18th -