Team NL Care Sepsis Research FEAT
I am pleased to be joining the team with Nigel & Guy as they celebrate their 30th year in business together by raising much needed funds for Sepsis Research FEAT.
Starting today I will be cycling 5 miles a day for the next two weeks for this fantastic cause. For me this is some distance and commitment, my normal exercise regime consists of ad-hock cycling with my children at a very slow pace and the occasional walk.
As many will know this is a cause close to my heart having had our youngest son suffer with sepsis when he was just 6 weeks old. Thankfully Theo went on to make a full a recovery and is now a very happy and cheeky almost 5 year old - as pictured!
Sepsis takes the lives of around 50,000 people in the UK every year. Sepsis is a life threatening condition. More awareness and more research is needed to #stopsepsisnow
Any doantion towards the team would be fantastic and would help Sepsis Research FEAT continue with the amazing work they do.