I'm taking on 5 big swim challenges this summer to raise money for Level Water:
The 24-hour Shepperton swim relay 10-11th June; the 6km Bantham Swoosh on 8th July, the Thames marathon (13km swim from Henley to Marlow) on 13th August; the Dart 10k on 3rd September and the Serpentine Super Six on 16th September.
I'll be swimming these events and training with a team of wonderful swimmers also fundraising for this charity.
That’s over 45 kilometres to raise money for Level Water - a charity who provide bespoke swimming lessons for children with disabilities across the UK. These swimming lessons wouldn't exist without money raised at events like the Bantham Swoosh, the Dart and the 24 hour swim. By donating, you are giving children the opportunity to learn to swim, develop emotional and social confidence and create a lifelong love of the water. See the great work they do here:
Thank you.