mmm ... pie :)
Thanks to everyone who came along to the pie-divin' lunch today, and to Pie Minister and the Garden Gate in sunny hampstead - £92.80 raised, bringing the total to a tidy sum of £1,285.80! holy. cow. Thanks again, and much love xx ali
Unbelievably, I've jumped! Thanks so much to everyone who's supported me, it was a truly awesome day, and your donations are going towards some really fantastic work.
On the day of the jump, the front page of a national newspaper (ok, the Daily Mail, but it's still news!) ran with the story that a new drug is being developed which stops the damaging effects of Alzheimer's in its tracks. It could be rolled out in a couple of years. Your donations will go towards reasearch and trials which support breakthroughs like this, as well as supporting those affected by the disease. Which makes you bloody brilliant.
Thanks one and all - go to and use the refernce PAGHSMKJN for the unflattering photographic proof that I did indeed plummet from over 10,000 ft!!
O. M. G. [said in the style of Peaches Geldof, for effect] I have hit my target! Thank you thank you thank you everyone who's supported me so far - the I'M ALIVE celebrations will be on Sun 15 May (details to follow), I hope you can make it! xxxx
Hurrah for the lovely folks at Pie Minister - they are supplying a selection of their delectable pies for my I'M ALIVE celebratory party, following what we are currently calling "ali's big leap of doom"! For a wee donation to the Alzheimer's Society, you can nosh on the finest pies known to humanity. A massive thanks to all at Pie Minister - I salute you.
Also, a huge thank you to you lot - I wish I had a jazzy Blue Peter-style totaliser to show you how excited I am every time someone makes a donation! Perhaps that's a project for later ... :)
I'm up to my minimum donation required - I'm a-jumpin' people!! Thanks to everyone who's donated so far - love you lots :) xx
So ... I’m feeling a bit blasé about life one day, and I decide I’m going to jump out of a moving plane. And I decide to do it for charity, so there’s no chance of backing out!
Fairly crazy, but it’s been a crazy year. Lots of you know that my Dad’s got Alzheimer’s disease, and in October we reached a point where Mum just couldn’t look after him at home any more. He’s now in a nursing home, where he can get the specialist care he needs.
We are so lucky that we had such fantastic friends, family and colleagues who supported us through everything, and now I’m being cheeky, and asking for even more! I’m doing a tandem skydive on Easter Saturday (23 April) to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society, and would be so honoured if you’d consider sponsoring me.
The Alzheimer’s Society supports thousands of families across the UK who are struggling to cope with the demands of looking after a loved one - a wife, husband or parent - who can no longer look after themselves. They fund research into the cause, care, cure and prevention of dementia, which affects over 700,000 people in the UK alone.
Any donation will get me closer to my target, and if I make it to £1000, I promise to get the whole jump filmed so you can all have a laugh at my Bridget Jones-style landing/imaginative use of swearing as I plummet to the ground!
Thanks guys, much love,