On 22nd March 2018, my loveliest and bestest of friends, Lauren, was diagnosed with AML, a rare form of leukaemia. As is all too often the case with cancer, this diagnosis was completely unexpected and completely devastating. But Lauren being Lauren, she's shown the greatest of strength as she undergoes treatment at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow.
On 13th April 2018 Lauren's beautiful (and slightly insane) sister-in-law to be, Hannah, signed up for a sky dive to raise funds for a charity of Lauren's choice.
'Are you mental??' I asked.
'If you're feeling brave you should book up too!' Came her taunting reply.
I can never resist a challenge...
'Screw it! Why the hell not?'
Why the hell not?! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I'll tell you why the hell not! Because I'm utterly terrified of heights that's why. Because I have to take Diazepam to fly. Because it once took me twenty full minutes to build up the courage to jump off an 80ft platform at Go Ape. No seriously. Lauren will testify. As too will the impatient Stag Do who had to wait their turn.
But apparently, here we are. On 11th August 2018 I will not be jumping from 80ft, but from over 10,000. I will do so to raise money for Leukaemia Care, an incredible charity that works to improve the lives of people with blood cancer through earlier diagnoses, access to effective treatment, information and support.
But mostly I will do so for Lauren. Because if she can show such courage and bravery in the face of such overwhelming adversity, then surely, I can jump out a plane.
I can jump out a plane right?