This year myself, my brother-in-law Iain, and our close friends Leigh, Andrew and Katie are running for a charity very close to ours and our Family’s heart. We have made this page for all of us to fundraise, which is why our group target is £1000. Last year we were devastated when my nephew and Iain’s son, Abel Cruz Sanderson was still born, two weeks before his due date. It was a time of so much happiness completely torn away from us all.
4Louis is a local charity you hope you will never need, but if you do they make all the difference. They are an amazing support and lifeline at such a devastating time, and provide their services completely free of charge. This charity is desperately needed as they work with our local hospitals to give support to families. They provide tailored memory boxes for parents of lost children and babies, allowing you to keep the memory of your little one with you at all times. As life goes on, this charity has created memories and given us something real to remember Abel by which is priceless, and we would love to help them continue to do the same for other families.
For more information on our chosen charity you can visit
Any sponsors; however small would mean so so much to us, and we know first hand just how much it will mean to the family’s that you will help. We are running in memory of Abel and all the little angels ❤️