We came across The Humane League (THL) whilst living in Japan. THL is a global organisation that aims to improve the living conditions of animals that are being raised for food.
We believe that no animals should be raised for human consumption, though we appreciate that there is a long way to go before this dream is realised. Organisations such as THL are working towards improving the welfare of animals that are being raised to satisfy the societal demand for meat and eggs. We are supporting THL because the work that they have done in the past 13 years has been staggering (21,000,000 hens in the UK are now free from cages - this is equal to the human population of Austria, Sweden and Croatia combined!), but they still have a long way to go to make the eradication of animal suffering a reality.
THL UK are currently lobbying fast food chains, such as McDonald's, where extreme animal cruelty is prevalent in their chicken supply chain. THL UK are encouraging these chains to address the worst abuses through a meaningful chicken welfare policy!
Thank you for your generosity, we really appreciate you making a donation in support of The Humane League. Please sign up to our mailing list: to receive updates on how we are doing and learn about the impact your donation has had!
Alex & Alex