It is often said that to truly understand how someone else lives, you need to walk a mile in their shoes, so that is exactly what we intend to do. On May 5th we will be walking the Thames path from Goring to Sonning as a team, carrying a 20L container filled with water for one mile each, in support of Charity: Water’s mission.
It is Charity: Water’s aim to bring clean water to 100% of the world’s population. 100% of charitable donations go straight into providing water for those in need, as their operational costs are entirely covered by private donors.
As an all female team, we feel strongly about the importance of education and employment for women globally. Sadly, in many parts of the world, Women and young girls have to walk for hours carrying heavy water cans every day to collect dirty, contaminated water for their families. This means they are not able to pursue an education or a career that so many of us in the west take for granted.
It is our aim to raise £1,500; Enough money to bring water to an entire village to enable these women and children their freedom to pursue other ventures within their communities.
100% of all donations will go straight to Charity: Water, who will pass them on to fund their projects around the globe.
Keep up to date with our progress via our social media channels @albertfieldsgoring on facebook and instagram.
Thank you.