In 2020 I ran the ‘virtual’ London marathon in aid of the Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)Trust. Given how real the torrential rain and very wet feet felt that day, there was nothing ‘virtual’ about it!
On Oct 2nd 2022 I will be running the actual London Marathon! to raise funds for this great charity.
The MSA Trust is a cause very close to my heart owing to my brother, Keith, being seriously affected by this debilitating illness.
Keith was diagnosed with MSA aged 46. MSA is a progressive motor neurone disease, which Keith is in the advanced stages of now. There is presently no cure or treatment, and if running another marathon manages to raise some more money that can be put towards finding a remedy for this awful condition I feel it is a small price to pay.
Many of you will have sponsored me previously in 2020, and I am incredibly grateful for that. I appreciate that, given current financial concerns, it is perhaps bold of me to appeal to your generosity again this year, but if you could stretch to offering a donation it would be much appreciated and certainly not wasted if it helps the MSA Trust inch closer to a cure.
I have pasted a statement from the Trust below:
The Trusts Vision is a world free of MSA. Our Mission is to find the cause and, ultimately, cure for MSA. Until that day, we will do all we can to support people affected by MSA and to strive to ensure that they are not alone on their individual journeys.