'Team Sheppy' consists of Mikes Dad Alan, Mikes Brother Ricky, Mikes friends Damien, Scott and Steve. These Lads already completed a gruelling cycling challenge alongside the Great Wall of China and in doing so raised over £30,000 for the British Heart Foundation in Memory of Michael Sheppard.
This year they are undertaking the Central America Cycling Challenge and hope to raise £15000. The lads will be jetting off on the 13th November 2014!
This new bike challenge will take them through beautiful, diverse regions in three Central American countries, from Panama City northwest to Managua in Nicaragua. They will cycle through banana and pineapple plantations, take in stunning Caribbean coastal scenery, pass smoking volcanoes and climb through primary rainforest. On this gruelling challenge they will tackle approx. 435 hot, humid kilometres – a very tough undertaking.
The reason why.......
Four years ago, at the young age of 32, Michael Sheppard (Mike or Sheppy to us!) had a stroke which dramatically changed his life forever and left him with serious medical problems and irreversible vision loss.
He was diagnosed with a serious heart condition affecting the left side of his heart, a form of Cardiomyopathy, which would change everything as not only was his vision seriously impaired but he would have days where he was so sick that he could barely get out of bed.
For those of us who had the pleasure of knowing Mike this was already a tragedy as he was the type of person who was always in the middle of everything, the a typical 'life and soul', everybody's friend and someone who never was too preoccupied with their own problems to help out or cheer you up when needed.
In possession of limitless sense of humour, Mike never gave up and continued to be there for his young family and anyone who needed him but due to his condition had to give up many of the things in his life which gave him joy such as his love of sport (he played Tennis & Football to a good standard), driving & motorcross, and even eventually his career working at Orange Telecom near to his home in Winterbourne, Bristol, and despite the difficulties he faced in adjusting to his failing health, taking a daily cocktail of drugs, having an ICD pacemaker fitted and spending countless hours in hospital Mike kept fighting and as he couldn't play, starting managing the local football team for example.
The prognosis however wasn't good and while waiting to undergo a heart transplant Mike tragically passed away in his sleep aged 36 in the early hours of Saturday 19th May 2012.
We are all devastated to have lost such a wonderful person who brought us so much fun, laughter and love and his passing has left a huge hole in the life of his young family, his wife Rachel, their two gorgeous boys Charlie aged 8 and Jake aged 3, alongside the rest of his family and friends.
And so, to celebrate his life, and continue his good willed nature we have chosen to work with The British Heart Foundation, who's work already gave Mike a few extra and crucial years, so that other families can avoid our heartbreak in the future and we can keep Mike's "spirit" and memory alive.
Please donate and support these brave men in remembering Michael Sheppy Sheppard and help raise money for the BHF.