Everyone is aware of the work of the NHS in the past year, so our team is raising money for the work of the Sheffield Hospitals charity, which supports the work of all the hospitals across Sheffield. In particular, we’re supporting the Jessop wing and the care they give to newborn babies.
We’ve taken on a challenge to walk up Snowdon on the night of the 7th/8th of August, reaching the summit at dawn on the 8th. Join us in supporting the work of the Sheffield hospitals and helping patients, young and old 😀
By taking part for Sheffield Hospitals Charity, your fundraising will raise vital funds to support the amazing doctors and nurses providing excellent care and treatment for patients throughout Sheffield. Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, we are able to support Sheffield Teaching hospitals to transform the care and treatment of all who need it. Get your walking boots at the ready to take on the Snowdon Sunrise trek and make your local NHS proud!