For women living in poverty in New York City, the devastating health and economic crisis is not over, and the road to recovery will be long. That's why we hope you'll support us in raising critical funds for the 2021 Her Justice Shift the Power Campaign a commitment to ensuring that women hit hardest by the pandemic have access to financial security, safety, and stability for themselves and their children through the civil justice system. Over the past 18 months, we have witnessed systems break down in the face of crisis, leaving women like Her Justice clients to bear the brunt of the fallout. They face lower wages and job loss and often raise their children alone, all while facing increased risk of abuse and exploitation. They are the backbone of our communities. If they do not thrive, neither do we. We are New Yorkers. We don't leave each other behind. Donate to #ShiftThePower today!
Thank you,
Annie Evans and Sara Brauner