In March 2022, Police officers and staff from around the UK (and Europe) will support the NPAC in transporting a fleet of over 30 ambulances over 3500 km to rural communities in The Gambia. This donation of ambulances will help to care for and save the lives of thousands of Gambians, many of whom would not otherwise be able to access urgent medical care. In a country where infant mortality is amongst the highest, and minor injuries quickly result in life changing issues, even amputation, the provision of an ambulance service will make all the difference.
The main leg of the journey begins when we take the vehicles by ferry into Morocco…from there we will drive them to The Gambia which is estimated will take 6 days. To enable us to do this we need to fund everything from the ferry crossing, fuel for all the vehicles and basic accommodation right down to buying the donor vehicles themselves and the equipment to go in them!
So to try and raise some money towards this brilliant cause I have entered, foolishly, a Spartan Half Marathon race on 30th October 2021. I have never run a half marathon before let alone a half marathon with 30 obstacles…which I only looked at after entering the race….instant regret...spear throw, altas carry, crawling under barbed wire to name just a few. And the best bit, if you can't do the obstacle it's a 30 burpee penalty ha! I laugh but cry.
Any donation you can make towards this, no matter how small, will really be appreciated and make such a difference to people that just aren’t as lucky as we are. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
If you would like any more information about what we are doing then please please get in touch with me, I will be happy to answer any questions :)