Myself and liam hand have decided to take on the task of Running London Marathon, this year, it is his first marathon it is my third marathon and this is not going to be an easy task for either of us this year, but together we are going to put in the training to complete this task! We’ve both had a few hurdles I’ve done alot of training in a cast as I had an accident and fell and broke my wrist before Christmas & also sprained my ankle badly but we are not going to let this hinder our training and we are going to pull forward to achieve our goal target for Whizkid charity. I'm fundraising towards Whizz-Kidz' vital services for young wheelchair users. Please sponsor me and help transform young people's lives.All young people face challenges, but for a young wheelchair user society can be that bit more challenging to navigate. The right wheelchair is more than just a set of wheels; it can be the key to unlocking a young person’s potential.Whizz-Kidz’ range of services give young disabled people the chance to lead a fun and active childhood, while gaining independence and growing in confidence.