Having worked in oncology for the last six months as a Physiotherapist on one of the cancer wards based at Guy’s Hospital, I have witnessed firsthand the devastating impact this horrible disease can have on such amazing people and families. Despite great advances being made in regards to treatment, screening tools and symptom management, there is still much to be learnt and done in the fight against cancer! Running the London Marathon will be my greatest challenge yet and I’m honoured to be representing such an amazing charity and a strand of our beloved NHS! Through sponsoring me you'll help support the incredible NHS staff and exceptional healthcare provided by Guy's Cancer. Your donations will help make sure everyone gets personalised care which is as unique as they are. Every penny of your donation will help to make a difference:
>£10 could help run a virtual support group session, enabling patients and carers to share their experiences of cancer from the comfort of their own home.
> £50 could help provide a comforting care package for someone receiving end of life care, helping to alleviate symptoms and soothe fears.
>£150 could provide expert welfare and benefits advice for a patient experiencing financial hardship, giving them the freedom to focus on their recovery.
>£350 can help invest in the latest surgical robotic technology, so expert surgeons can work with greater accuracy and send patients home to their families sooner.
Thank you so much in advance for your support! let the armpit chafe, blisters and nipple rub begin! ❤️❤️❤️