Reason for setting up this page
The family of the Noble ﷺ can’t receive zakat
contributions and therefore find themselves in all sorts of struggles.
Darul Qurra has taken this step in helping deprived house holds
with support by arranging a walk to all the Ahlul Bayt Ziyarāt here in Cairo.
From the children of Imam Hassan radi’allahu3nu, brother
Abdullah from the city of Tanta in Egypt, has taken taken a loan to finance the medical treatment of his mother and wife who have suffered with bone weakness (osteoporosis). To support their medical bill brother Abdullah sold his
workshop and his valuables to aid his mother. Abdullah being from the blessed linage of the Messenger of Allah is unable to accept Zakāt money so therefore we have setup this page to support his family.
This is the least we can do to express out love and appreciation
to our beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ
Just to list a few that we will attend during our walk, and give
our gratitude:
Sayidna Imam Hussein radi’Allahu3nha, Sayida Sakina
radi’Allahu3nha, Sayida Aisha daughter of Imam Jafar Sadiq radi’Allahu3nhuma,
Sayida Fatimah (daughter of Imam Hussain) radi’Allahu3nha, Sayida Zaynab
radi’Allahu3nha, Sayida Ruqaya (daughter of Sayida Ali) radi’Allahu3nha, Sayida
Nafīsa daughter of Hasan Anwar radi’Allahu3nha, Sayidna Hasan al-Anwar (son of
Zaid al-Ablaj who was the son of al-Imam al-Hasan) radi’Allahu3nhum, Sayidna
Ali bin Jafar radi’Allahu3nhu, Sayidna Atiqa (Aunt of the Beloved Master ﷺ ), Sayidna Zein el Abidīn radi’Allahu3nhu,
and more Inshallah
I am leaving behind two heavy things, the first is the Quran, in it is guidance and light, so hold firmly onto the Quran, then Nabi (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) encouraged and motivated (towards reciting and taking care of the Quran) , and the second thing is the Ahlu Bayt, I am reminding you about the Ahlu Bayt, Nabi (sallalahu alayhi wa sallam) repeated this thrice..
Please share and support this noble cause, which will aid the
most needy from the family of the most Beloved Messenger ﷺ here in Egypt.