We are an England Football Accredited Football Club playing in the Southern Sunday Football League in London and in 2020, we celebrated we our club 10th Anniversary.
We'd been adamant about supporting a charity for some time and Football Beyond Borders (FBB) stand for something we all believe in and is doing amazing things for young people within our society, so it was a perfect fit.
From the summer of 2020, our club and its members pledged to raise £5,000 across the course of the 20/21 football season and beyond via various events, challenges and other creative methods for giving. We raised nearly £1400 via the FBB2020Challenge which took place in June and July 2020, with a total of £22,000+ raised by FBB for their Virtual Summer School, and we’re now nearly at the £4.5K mark. We aim to hit the £5K initial target by beginning of 2022.
Our overal fundraising target will continue to be a moving target and will continue throughout the 21/22 season and beyond. We hope you can support us.
Will McCann | Club General Secretary