This summer we are participating in the charity race Poles of Inconvenience. The more funds we raise for charity, the more likely we are to win the trophy!
The start and finish is in The Czech Repulic. Between the start and finish line, however, we need to reach as many Poles of Inconveniences (POIs) as possible. These POIs are scattered between the UK in the west to Georgia in the east, and between the most northern point of Europe to the desert of Sahara.
We'll handle the POIs, but we need your help to raise funds for charity! And we guess you like the rainforest too?
Cool Earth works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction. Local people stand to lose the most from deforestation but the most to gain from its protection, that’s why they are the forest’s best possible custodians. All Cool Earth partnerships are community-owned and led. By developing local livelihoods, their mission is to end the cycle of deforestation entrenching villages into further poverty. Creating strong, self-determining communities.
We appreciate your donations!