Well the challenge for 2022 is underway and I’m on track to run 5k every single day for the year 🏃😳 Yes this does include post-match ⚽️ post-work 📚 and sometimes post-hangover 🤢 However, despite the daily test, if it can be done it’s going to be so worth it for such a great cause.
Having seen Rob Burrow MBE and others suffer from such a terrible disease, and motivated by the truly inspirational commitment from Kevin Sinfield OBE, the charity of choice is Motor Neurone Disease Association.
Any kind donation big or small, at any stage, will be forever appreciated and will make a difference. This could be now (to make me do it!), throughout the year (to make me keep doing it!) or at the end (when it’s all over!). It would give me great pleasure knowing that together, we smashed through the target of £1825, the same number of kilometres covered by the time we reach 2023.
There will also be a couple of surprises along the way, including on day 365 😬
I cannot thank you enough for your support and generosity.
Adam 💙🧡