Amanda Carty is a local resident of Chesterfield, aged 46 & married to Roger Carty.
She has 2 Children Melita aged 15 & Harrison aged 10 years
Amanda was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called a Glioblastoma Grade 4 – Brain Tumour on November 28th 2011. A most aggressive form of brain tumour.
She was told at that time that there were no known cures for this type of cancer and she only had 3 months to live.
This news was devastating for the whole family.
The Royal Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield carried out Amanda’s examination and concluded that her tumour was inoperable – too close to her motor sensor strip. The risk was too great. We sourced 2nd, 3rd & 4th opinions from all over the UK & overseas but the results were the same.
Amanda had treatment at Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield, 30 doses of radio & chemotherapy in 6 weeks.
This treatment is very aggressive with severe side effects and Amanda reacted badly to this. It made her very ill and caused her to be paralysed completely on her right side
Amanda has received special care since then from her husband & the District nurses and remains in a stable condition.
Amanda’s husband has done extensive research into this dreadful disease and has found a possible cure in America @ the Burzynski clinic. This treatment gives Amanda hope for a cure.
The treatment at the Burzynski Clinic in America costs £200,000 over a two year period.
The Amanda Carty Cancer Trust has been set up by Roger Carty in a bid to raise awareness about brain cancer and to raise funds for Amanda’s treatment in America.
Please donate all you can.
Thank you!!