Hello friend
This April (the 13th to be exact), myself and my pal Matthew Patterson, shall be abseiling (John McClane style) down the side of the Obel building in Belfast.
It's the biggest building in the emerald Isle and I'll hopefully be wearing a camera going down so you can all hear girly screams from Matt Patt (just kidding, it'll be me too).
It'd be great for any support, big or small and it is all for a good cause.
The event itself is for two charities:
Cancer focus NI - so if you missed your opportunity to donate during the no make up selfies, there's still a chance for you to help in fight against cancer
Save the Children - who aim to save children's lives, protect their right and ensure their future, for kids all over the world.
So, from your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, I thank you in advance for any support, be it a donation, or you just come to laugh at me on the day.
Cheers: Adamski :)