As many of you are aware, I shall be running a half marathon at Silverstone on 14 March. Apart from getting a huge sense of achievement at finishing it, I am hoping to try and raise some money for charity in the process.
The charity I am supporting is The Fragile X Society. The reason for this choice is that Debs’ cousin Tom has Fragile X Syndrome. For those that are not aware, Fragile X Syndrome is the most common known cause of inherited learning disabilities. It can cause a wide range of difficulties with learning, as well as social, emotional and language problems.
The Fragile X Society has helped Tom and his family in a number of ways and I would like to raise some money to help the Society assist others too.
Fragile X Society aims to help families who have been diagnosed to have the opportunity of support from others who know the problems, and to have access to full information about the syndrome, including the latest medical, psychological and educational research findings. With a fuller understanding of the condition parents can be far more constructive and effective in helping their children to reach their full potential.
If you would like any further information about Fragile X and the Society the web address is
Any donations you are able to give would be most appreciated.
Thank you.