Just before 2pm on Saturday 20th March, my friend Hayley and I left our flat in Southampton heading for Morocco, hitch-hiking!!
Over the next 9 days we travelled between 2500 and 3000km to reach Tangier, the tip of Africa! The journey involved 22 lifts from off duty policemen, students, businessmen, builders, the 3rd best paintballer in France, a Turkish trucker, 3 Moroccans (including a crazy one called Lekbir who took us about 1000km!), a scout leader and an 86 year old Catholic man starting a religious pilgrimage!
The hitch was for a charity called Link Community Development who work to improve the education systems in five African countries so more children can receive the good education they deserve.
I feel very privileged to study in a country where good education is available to all and LCD is quite rightly striving to improve the education in these five countries so more children in Africa can have a better start in life.
The hitch was both great fun and hard work. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has sponsored me and if there is anyone who would still like to donate to this great charity it would be much appreciated :) Adam