Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
As many seeing this page will know I made a promise to my
amazing wife, to help Brainstrust, the only way I know how to do that is to do
challenges and raise funds for this charity helping so many in the same
position as myself and that my wife was. I will forever look to fulfil the
promise I made, and this is the latest 'crazy' challenge I have decided to do!
So ….what the hell am I doing now? Well, this is one that I am honest terrified
That’s right I will be taking part in my first ever skydive
all in aid of Brainstrust and I will (try) to catch it all on camera.
Due to various reasons, I have no firm date yet but what I
do know is that it will be between March 10th & March 30th.
This is all to help Brainstrust continued mission to help
those most vulnerable and to remember and honour the most amazing person I have
and will ever know!!!
Please give ANYTHING that you can, it all adds up no matter
what you can afford!