Many of you will know how much I have detested long distance running. For a long time now I've been plagued by knee issues which has left me feeling that running really is an insurmountable challenge. Breaking my leg last year hardly helped matters!
But then I watched the Paralympics...
Collectively, many of us watched in awe at the athletic prowess of so many people with such severe physical disabilites. As one, we began to realise that a significant amount of the challenge must be overcoming the mental obstacles which had so far defeated us. "I cannot do it", "It hurts too much", "I'm just not cut out for this" are all far too familiar mantras I've heard myself repeat on more than one occasion.
So in short, I've been inspired. Inspired to overcome the biggest challenge I can think of - to not only run to the end of the street and back, but to run 13 miles. 13 whole, terrifying, god-forsaken miles. What a thought!
But then just a few days ago I saw a guy take a new Paralympian record by Bench Pressing just under 300kgs - with no feeling in his legs! Suddenly anything seems possible...
...but I could do with all the encouragement I can get. So please please dig deep and sponsor me!
"What-have-I-got-myself-into-now" Hugs
Adam xx