As I'm sure many of you visiting this page are aware my sister, Torie, died of cancer on 11th May 2011 at the age of just 30. During the last 6 months or so of her life she was cared for at the Marie Curie Hospice in Hampstead.
No words can truly describe just how amazing the hospice and the people that work there are. They make it possible for loved ones to die with dignity and with all the support they need. Although I'm doing this in memory of Tor, the money raised will allow Marie Curie to continue helping those who need them now and, just as importantly, to be in a position to help all those who might need them in the future.
I'm attempting to complete the Royal Parks Half Marathon (done), the Wokingham Half Marathon (just done - 10//03/13), the Brighton Half Marathon (17/02/13), the Worthing 20-Miler (10/03/13), the Reading Half Marathon (17/03/13) and the London Marathon (21/04/13). There will also be an event on Saturday 11th May - details to follow!!
I've bunched all these events together so I don't have to keep asking for donations. Hopefully this will help me smash the target I've set. PLEASE donate. You know u wanna! I'll keep the page updated to let you know how the events are going.